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Keeping the rivers going and taps flowing for future generations

25th August 2023

As a water-only company, it's our duty to perfect the delicate balance between securing the future of water supplies and protecting the rivers and streams we rely on.

Through our Restoring Sustainable Abstraction scheme, we monitor and manage our rivers, streams and habitats to help the environment thrive.

Some factors outside our control may affect the well-being of the rivers and streams, such as pollution, too much or too little vegetation growth or the river channel being artificially moved. So, we work with local landowners and in partnership with South East Rivers Trust to improve the health of rivers and streams.

The first stage of our review looks at how the distinct areas around the sources of our drinking water, also known as catchments, work. We examine if our abstraction impacts the landscape and other potential pressures.

The data that we look at in this stage include:

  • rainfall
  • groundwater
  • river flow
  • water quality
  • discharges
  • identifying other sensitive species.

This review can examine some of this catchment's key issues and challenges.

The second stage involves looking for knowledge gaps and arranging appropriate monitoring around sensitive species.

We engage with stakeholders and regulators in the catchments throughout both stages to be sure the work we do is the best course of action and so there isn't a conflict with any other projects being carried out.

In addition to the Restoring Sustainable Abstraction scheme, our Environment Team work with farmers and landowners to stop harmful chemicals from seeping into our precious water sources. We offer free visits from an independent specialist advisor who can look for solutions and funding for various initiatives. See more here

This benefits us, as taking these chemicals out of the water at the water treatment works can be costly and benefits the farmer or landowner as these chemicals are held in the soil and not lost to waste.

We thank our Environment Team, the farmers and landowners they partner with for protecting the environment and looking after our precious raw water sources.

For more information on our work in the environment, please visit: https://www.southeastwater.co.uk/about/our-environment/

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