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Funding available to farmers and landowners in West Kent

18th March 2022

Farmers and landowners in West Kent are being invited to a South East Water event to find out more about available funding and support from the water company.

Al Stewart, South East Water’s surface water lead, explains that to help improve river and groundwater quality, farmers and landowners in the region are being offered free one-to-one confidential advice and funding of up to £10,000 for on-farm improvements.

He highlights that the water company, which produces 520 million litres of top-quality drinking water each day, has been working closely with farmers and landowners across the region since 2015 to help reduce the impact of agricultural and horticultural activity on raw water sources.

“We’ve had great success to date, but we know that not everyone is aware of our support packages. We’re therefore hosting a breakfast meeting, on Wednesday 30 March at Marden Cricket & Hockey Club, for those who want to find out more about what support we offer.”

Event details:

Wednesday 30 March, 2022

9.30am (breakfast and refreshments included)

Marden Cricket & Hockey Club, 319 Maidstone Road, Marden, Kent, TN12 9AG

To register for the event, please use the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/293663674957

BASIS and NRoSO points available

Funding and support is available to farmers across the South East and all are welcome to attend the breakfast meeting. Find out more via our Catchment management pages.

You can also email catchment@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab) with any questions. 

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