Dedicated microsite helps boost water company performance transparency
A water company has published its entire 2020/21 performance report on a dedicated microsite, boosting transparency and accessibility for those wanting to know more about how it faired against its 53 stretching targets.
Traditionally, South East Water’s Performance, People and Planet report was published as an online document, which could make it tricky for some customers to navigate in order to find specific details.
The new, state-of-the-art microsite breaks down each target into its own page and is far more accessible than before.
Accessibility tool Recite Me has been embedded, jargon removed and the enhanced search function all help readers navigate the site with ease.
Oliver Martin, South East Water’s Regulation and Strategy Director, said: “The microsite was born from our key objectives of ensuring transparency transparent with our customers and stakeholders. The performance report is accessible and interactive making it easier for our customers and stakeholders to read.
“The site details all the hard work we put into serving our customers and local communities during a tough and challenging 2020/21 period.
“When you read the microsite you’ll see that some targets were exceeded, others met and some missed which was partly due to the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We’re working on these areas and the commentary against each measure explains what we’re putting in place this year to help reach our targets in the future.”
The website showcases videos and case studies detailing key events during the 2020/21 business year.
These range from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand-led summer heatwave incident and the appearance of sinkholes at one of the company’s reservoir sites.
Customers can visit the microsite by visiting: (opens in a new tab)
The water company has also published its annual financial report which can be found here
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