Residents of Basingstoke are asked to make every drop of water count this August
Basingstoke has been selected to take a more proactive part in a nationally run water efficiency campaign which encourages people to reduce water wastage in their homes.
Water’s Worth Saving campaign - a joint-initiative between water industry trade body Water UK, and water-saving experts Waterwise - has been running for the past two summers throughout the UK.
Now Water UK has joined forces with Basingstoke water supplier South East Water, in partnership with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, to help encourage local residents to be ‘water-aware’.
The local area campaign is due to run over the month of August while the schools are on holiday and the temperatures are usually warmer. This combination results in an increased demand for water.
During the hotter days an extra 100 million litres is produced by South East Water - the equivalent of 1.25 million flushes of the toilet - and this puts a strain on the county’s water network. It also has an impact on the environment with which water is shared.
With the uncertainty surrounding foreign breaks this year resulting in more people staying at home or holidaying in Hampshire along with working from home, there has been a dramatic rise in water use with paddling pools and outdoor hot tubs leading the list of new favourite pastimes.
Water’s Worth Saving will encourage Basingstoke residents to use water more efficiently this August at home and in the garden by offering helpful tips and advice as just small individual actions can make a big impact when it comes to saving water.
Basingstoke residents can make a difference by:
• Not washing the car – Save on a chore and proudly let the car stay dirty
• Letting nature water the grass – Allow lawns go brown – it will soon go green again when it rains
• Filling the kettle with only what is needed – this saves water and energy
• Using hoses and sprinklers sparingly – A watering can is just as good
• Teaching children to turn the tap off – saving water while brushing their teeth
• Saving paddling pool water – Top-up and reuse paddling pool water for plants and grass
• Taking shorter showers – Just one minute less in the shower saves around 12 litres of water
Peter Jenkins, Water UK Director of Campaigns, said:
“With the hot weather set to return and schools having broken up for the summer, we can expect to see another surge in demand for water.
“That’s why we’re asking the people of Basingstoke to join with us in playing their part to save water by following our easy and family-friendly water saving hints and tips.”
Lee Dance, Head of Water Resources, South East Water, added:
“We are pleased to be supporting this campaign in Basingstoke as, although we're used to managing high demand and have tried and tested plans in place, we still need customers to play their part by using water wisely so that we can continue to keep water flowing to everyone.”
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for the Natural Environment and Climate Improvement Cllr Mark Ruffell said:
“I welcome the opportunity for residents in the Basingstoke and Deane District to take part in the Water’s Worth Saving campaign which is a great example of how we can reduce our environmental impact through changing our own behaviours.
“Since declaring a climate emergency in 2019, the council has encouraged a positive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change. Working with partners on initiatives like this are a great way for our residents to be involved.”
More top tips are available on the Water’s Worth Saving website here

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